Have not been going to work for about a month by now :p was sent for training from the company. Seeing how much i like studying and going home on time when the class is over, i have been enjoying myself tremendously and will enjoy the remaining one month :D
had a few jokers in class, they make school worth going haha.. had some pressure to pass the papers but its really fun.
through this period i have learn to enjoy the moment thats called NOW. when i was at work, i drag my feet to the training as i thought i will miss out the fun days at work, now that i am in training, my heart feels slightly heavy that i will part with my classmates :D so i told myself to enjoy the now!
it actually make me feel very grateful as i realize that wherever i go, i have my fill of fun :D
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
It is Christmas morn!
Love it to bits =) Jesus is born to die to give me a higher life, a life above circumstances coz He died to make me a champion.
Christmas is the time where the love of God manifested in people's heart, it's the time when everybody want to give coz God has given us so much! The time when people are willing to part with their money to make others happy XD
This is the season when I thank the Lord for the abundant life He has given me, for His love, for his blessings that chases, overtakes and embraces my whole being. =)
Jesus is born and He died for you! =D MERRY CHRISTMAS WORLD!
Love it to bits =) Jesus is born to die to give me a higher life, a life above circumstances coz He died to make me a champion.
Christmas is the time where the love of God manifested in people's heart, it's the time when everybody want to give coz God has given us so much! The time when people are willing to part with their money to make others happy XD
This is the season when I thank the Lord for the abundant life He has given me, for His love, for his blessings that chases, overtakes and embraces my whole being. =)
Jesus is born and He died for you! =D MERRY CHRISTMAS WORLD!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Har har har... I am back after 2 yrs absence!
I didnt realise that I use to write such long blogs :p as usual, I do have lots to say :D
Have been feeling extremely lazy to go to work, prob coz its the end of the year. Anyway, today is sunday and we have combined service @ indoor. It was great coz all of my buddies are there!! It was so exciting reserving 22 seats with maya har har har...
We have sarah, hubby and her cousin, maya family and frenz, and a bunch of ex rpb-ians namely ms Th, hubby and sis-in-law, princessbobo, ah mel and wes :D
its a happy day!
and i still don't feel like going to work.. haiz...nite!
I didnt realise that I use to write such long blogs :p as usual, I do have lots to say :D
Have been feeling extremely lazy to go to work, prob coz its the end of the year. Anyway, today is sunday and we have combined service @ indoor. It was great coz all of my buddies are there!! It was so exciting reserving 22 seats with maya har har har...
We have sarah, hubby and her cousin, maya family and frenz, and a bunch of ex rpb-ians namely ms Th, hubby and sis-in-law, princessbobo, ah mel and wes :D
its a happy day!
and i still don't feel like going to work.. haiz...nite!
Friday, March 03, 2006
Days that I love ^^
Things that I do everyday;
When am in morning shift:
1. Wake at 7.10am, shower, brush teeth, wash face, pick the clothing i wanna wear.
2. Dash to the bus stop, put on my make-up accordingly (when the bus come immediately, put nothing. when the bus come relatively fast, put powder. when the bus took eternity to come, put powder, blush on, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick -_-")
3. Read a book that i picked from the library throughout the journey --> if i didn't say hi to any acquintances in buses, mrt or the road, it is not because i hate them. I just don't see them. Haiz... must I always look out for ppl... U_U
4. Reach office, set up my laptop, go eat breakfast.
5. Sit down, check my emails, list down the work i need to complete today, go IRC.
6. Work, chat, read manga, do some of my editing work, and drink water.
7. Go for lunch.
8. Work, chat, read manga, do some of my editing work, and drink water.
9. Go my BF house, eat dinner, play games, watch tv.
10.Go home, watch VCD (when friends was still on in Star world, VCD will be stopped at 11pm to make way for FRIENDS.)
11.Go to Sleep.
When I do afternoon shift:
1. Wake at 9.30am, brush teeth, drink water, go to gym, cook lunch (mainly consist of instant noodle), watch VCD.
2. Shower, wash face, pick the clothing i wanna wear, dash to the bus stop, put on my make-up accordingly (when the bus come immediately, put nothing. when the bus come relatively fast, put powder. when the bus took eternity to come, put powder, blush on, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick -_-")
3. Read a book that i picked from the library throughout the journey --> if i didn't say hi to any acquintances in buses, mrt or the road, it is not because i hate them. I just don't see them. Haiz... must I always look out for ppl... U_U
4. Reach office, set up my laptop.
5. Sit down, check my emails, list down the work i need to complete today, go IRC.
6. Work, chat, read manga, do some of my editing work, and drink water.
7. Go for dinner.
8. Work, chat, read manga, do some of my editing work, and drink water.
9. Go home, watch VCD (when friends was still on in Star world, VCD will be stopped at 11pm to make way for FRIENDS.)
11.Go to Sleep.
What do u think huh? nice ah... fufufu.. I totally love it.. hahaha... Take care ppl.. time for work... ciao...
When am in morning shift:
1. Wake at 7.10am, shower, brush teeth, wash face, pick the clothing i wanna wear.
2. Dash to the bus stop, put on my make-up accordingly (when the bus come immediately, put nothing. when the bus come relatively fast, put powder. when the bus took eternity to come, put powder, blush on, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick -_-")
3. Read a book that i picked from the library throughout the journey --> if i didn't say hi to any acquintances in buses, mrt or the road, it is not because i hate them. I just don't see them. Haiz... must I always look out for ppl... U_U
4. Reach office, set up my laptop, go eat breakfast.
5. Sit down, check my emails, list down the work i need to complete today, go IRC.
6. Work, chat, read manga, do some of my editing work, and drink water.
7. Go for lunch.
8. Work, chat, read manga, do some of my editing work, and drink water.
9. Go my BF house, eat dinner, play games, watch tv.
10.Go home, watch VCD (when friends was still on in Star world, VCD will be stopped at 11pm to make way for FRIENDS.)
11.Go to Sleep.
When I do afternoon shift:
1. Wake at 9.30am, brush teeth, drink water, go to gym, cook lunch (mainly consist of instant noodle), watch VCD.
2. Shower, wash face, pick the clothing i wanna wear, dash to the bus stop, put on my make-up accordingly (when the bus come immediately, put nothing. when the bus come relatively fast, put powder. when the bus took eternity to come, put powder, blush on, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick -_-")
3. Read a book that i picked from the library throughout the journey --> if i didn't say hi to any acquintances in buses, mrt or the road, it is not because i hate them. I just don't see them. Haiz... must I always look out for ppl... U_U
4. Reach office, set up my laptop.
5. Sit down, check my emails, list down the work i need to complete today, go IRC.
6. Work, chat, read manga, do some of my editing work, and drink water.
7. Go for dinner.
8. Work, chat, read manga, do some of my editing work, and drink water.
9. Go home, watch VCD (when friends was still on in Star world, VCD will be stopped at 11pm to make way for FRIENDS.)
11.Go to Sleep.
What do u think huh? nice ah... fufufu.. I totally love it.. hahaha... Take care ppl.. time for work... ciao...
Friday, January 20, 2006
A tribute to my study friends!
Good Morning!
I have been thinking in the past few days, that I have an extremely good life. I thank dear Jesus for that, and also my dear loved ones and friends.
For the purpose of the title, I would like to give my thanks to the friends that have been there in my study time. The study journey I undertook was smooth sailing for me up to my secondary school days =p I kinda flunk in my JC time, but was revived in my Stansfield days! I have now landed in a good job, so no complain (except for the darn office politics! which I guess abounds in every other office, so really.. no complain ^^)
Kinder garten up to SMP 3 in Indonesia, I would like to present the tribute to... *drum rolls* NOBODY!!! fufufufu.. not because I hate my friends or what.. it's just that we practically never study then.. hohoho.. so i can only say thanks to friends that have been playing hard with me.. hahaha... some that I remember Dinda, Ane, Punti, Abigail, Ruth, Belle, Shinta, Bonnie, Uthan, one short guy really a good friend now totally can't remember his name it start with an S =p sorry kiddo (I think it's Stephano =p), Andy, Albert and blah blah blah that I cant remember now.. I really had a great time.. and I have lost contact with all of them.. If any of you know them.. tell them that I miss them terribly and God bless them abundantly for giving me such good memories! We studied in SMP strada st. anna, and we are born around 1980 to 1981 hehehe... One time, we run away from school and abigail (age 14 then) was driving us around town... *whisper* my mom dun know about that till now... (don't tell her.. *pinkie promise*) =p at times we ran out from school just to go n eat bakso! miss you guys...
Preparatory course in Singapore.. a tribute to ta-da... no surprise, no one again.. hahaha.. never study.. was having good time with Erna, Lita, Natalia, and a bunch of indonesian and thailand friends (there were two little thai boys that was really close friends with us, but can't remember their name ^^) and all the ppl in 33 Devonshire rd! We do things together like skate, rollerblade, sleep late, wake up late for exams (gahhh.. flunk my Nan chiau entrance exam, coz never attend -_-") and most important of all.. spend the money our parents give us! hahaha.. love u guys...
Here is the photo of the two boys, I think their names are kit and boat =p

Secondary two... Studying for exam in the reading room at the river valley community centre.. Thanks to Ah yong and Ah sen for accompanying me eating milo bars there.. hahaha... as expected, never study much.. the highlight of the days were dashing down to the mama shop below pacific mansion! then we walk to the cc, and try to eat quietly in the reading room coz actually no eating and drinking there =p
Sec three.. can't remember that I study... -_-" againnnn... only remember going to school with Juju and start doing the thing that she hate... sleep in the bus... leaving her "cengo" on her own.. Thank you for not hitting me in my sleep... ^^ I also remember I like to go across the road to her apartment.. stay in her cozy home, admire her rooms and go downstairs to swim.. hahaha.. I still remember we once do quiz in the swimming pool at night.. I hate that Nina, Nini, Nino, Ninu and.... Nine quiz.. hahaha.. we were waddling in the kids pool when she ask me that "stupid" quiz that make me look really stupid... hahaha.. love you girl.. ^^ Below is our photo during a class outing.. class 403 of QSS without the purple skirts hehehe...

Sec four.. TRIBUTE finally given to....... Stella Marisa!!! guess wats our nickname... "The walking nerd!" --> I still haven't found out who comes out with this cheesy name =p we were like siamese twins.. hover around town and church together with that damned geography book! I still have our photo that was taken after studying geography for hours.. we look terrible.. =( Judge for urself...

JC time... I practically never study.. was too tired commuting from River Valley to Jurong Juniour College.. I spend 3 hours a day, commuting to n fro.. but I have good friends that tried to help me.. Tribute presented to Sok Peng and the other two guys that I remember the face and forget the name (something looks like J***xiong, both guys name start with J i think =p) gomenasai!! *bow* I ruin my A level cert with my lack of study.. Sincere apology to myself, my lecturers Mr. Physics (forget the kind guy name.. he was my library mentor also), Ms. Joyce (I think, or maybe Joy) Mr. Ho, Mr. Chu, Mr. Auyang, and the 2 GP lecturer that made me write 2 article reviews per week... =p and my friends from 99s14 and 99s5 that try to help me.. I apologize on behalf of the lazy bum in me... *sob sob*
Year 1 UOL programme.. stansfield college.. TRIBUTE! definately deserve one! Keagan, Chen Boon and Zann and also shijian.. I also have our studying photo below.. They practically drag me out of home early in the morning to late at night.. we can be found in empty classrooms, library study rooms or McDonalds from January 2002 up to June 2002 every monday to friday 9am to 10pm. We were those seat hoggers that you hate! Hehehe... But, I did well for my first year exam because of the constant nagging and dragging me around the paper, pencils and erasers... -_-"

Year 2! Tribute to Yiyi (My ex-roomates), Ruihong and Andrew.. Venue were then changed to Our (yiyi and me) home.. We studied in that dark dingy dining room or the pool side.. It was quite fun... and am a major distraction.. everybody want to study, and all i wan was eat and chat... again.. gomenasai... We were eating quite a lot of snack then.. hahaha.. the highlight of the days were going out for dinner before coming back to study.. kekeke..
Year 3! Tribute!!! to my boyfriend Zhao Shijie.. hehehe.. we mostly studied at his place... we always ate supper... eat late night porridge nearby his house, or we would walk to mustafa (it opens 24hrs!) to buy snack.. hahaha.. but everything went well.. We both graduate with a reasonable result ^^
There goes my study journey!! fun filled days of my life! Gracias! Wishing all the best for all of you! I have now started the "Journey of A Working Adult" I hope in a few years time, i will be able to write tributes to great colleagues and hopefully bosses and subordinates.. hahaha...
I have been thinking in the past few days, that I have an extremely good life. I thank dear Jesus for that, and also my dear loved ones and friends.
For the purpose of the title, I would like to give my thanks to the friends that have been there in my study time. The study journey I undertook was smooth sailing for me up to my secondary school days =p I kinda flunk in my JC time, but was revived in my Stansfield days! I have now landed in a good job, so no complain (except for the darn office politics! which I guess abounds in every other office, so really.. no complain ^^)
Kinder garten up to SMP 3 in Indonesia, I would like to present the tribute to... *drum rolls* NOBODY!!! fufufufu.. not because I hate my friends or what.. it's just that we practically never study then.. hohoho.. so i can only say thanks to friends that have been playing hard with me.. hahaha... some that I remember Dinda, Ane, Punti, Abigail, Ruth, Belle, Shinta, Bonnie, Uthan, one short guy really a good friend now totally can't remember his name it start with an S =p sorry kiddo (I think it's Stephano =p), Andy, Albert and blah blah blah that I cant remember now.. I really had a great time.. and I have lost contact with all of them.. If any of you know them.. tell them that I miss them terribly and God bless them abundantly for giving me such good memories! We studied in SMP strada st. anna, and we are born around 1980 to 1981 hehehe... One time, we run away from school and abigail (age 14 then) was driving us around town... *whisper* my mom dun know about that till now... (don't tell her.. *pinkie promise*) =p at times we ran out from school just to go n eat bakso! miss you guys...
Preparatory course in Singapore.. a tribute to ta-da... no surprise, no one again.. hahaha.. never study.. was having good time with Erna, Lita, Natalia, and a bunch of indonesian and thailand friends (there were two little thai boys that was really close friends with us, but can't remember their name ^^) and all the ppl in 33 Devonshire rd! We do things together like skate, rollerblade, sleep late, wake up late for exams (gahhh.. flunk my Nan chiau entrance exam, coz never attend -_-") and most important of all.. spend the money our parents give us! hahaha.. love u guys...
Here is the photo of the two boys, I think their names are kit and boat =p

Secondary two... Studying for exam in the reading room at the river valley community centre.. Thanks to Ah yong and Ah sen for accompanying me eating milo bars there.. hahaha... as expected, never study much.. the highlight of the days were dashing down to the mama shop below pacific mansion! then we walk to the cc, and try to eat quietly in the reading room coz actually no eating and drinking there =p
Sec three.. can't remember that I study... -_-" againnnn... only remember going to school with Juju and start doing the thing that she hate... sleep in the bus... leaving her "cengo" on her own.. Thank you for not hitting me in my sleep... ^^ I also remember I like to go across the road to her apartment.. stay in her cozy home, admire her rooms and go downstairs to swim.. hahaha.. I still remember we once do quiz in the swimming pool at night.. I hate that Nina, Nini, Nino, Ninu and.... Nine quiz.. hahaha.. we were waddling in the kids pool when she ask me that "stupid" quiz that make me look really stupid... hahaha.. love you girl.. ^^ Below is our photo during a class outing.. class 403 of QSS without the purple skirts hehehe...

Sec four.. TRIBUTE finally given to....... Stella Marisa!!! guess wats our nickname... "The walking nerd!" --> I still haven't found out who comes out with this cheesy name =p we were like siamese twins.. hover around town and church together with that damned geography book! I still have our photo that was taken after studying geography for hours.. we look terrible.. =( Judge for urself...

JC time... I practically never study.. was too tired commuting from River Valley to Jurong Juniour College.. I spend 3 hours a day, commuting to n fro.. but I have good friends that tried to help me.. Tribute presented to Sok Peng and the other two guys that I remember the face and forget the name (something looks like J***xiong, both guys name start with J i think =p) gomenasai!! *bow* I ruin my A level cert with my lack of study.. Sincere apology to myself, my lecturers Mr. Physics (forget the kind guy name.. he was my library mentor also), Ms. Joyce (I think, or maybe Joy) Mr. Ho, Mr. Chu, Mr. Auyang, and the 2 GP lecturer that made me write 2 article reviews per week... =p and my friends from 99s14 and 99s5 that try to help me.. I apologize on behalf of the lazy bum in me... *sob sob*
Year 1 UOL programme.. stansfield college.. TRIBUTE! definately deserve one! Keagan, Chen Boon and Zann and also shijian.. I also have our studying photo below.. They practically drag me out of home early in the morning to late at night.. we can be found in empty classrooms, library study rooms or McDonalds from January 2002 up to June 2002 every monday to friday 9am to 10pm. We were those seat hoggers that you hate! Hehehe... But, I did well for my first year exam because of the constant nagging and dragging me around the paper, pencils and erasers... -_-"

Year 2! Tribute to Yiyi (My ex-roomates), Ruihong and Andrew.. Venue were then changed to Our (yiyi and me) home.. We studied in that dark dingy dining room or the pool side.. It was quite fun... and am a major distraction.. everybody want to study, and all i wan was eat and chat... again.. gomenasai... We were eating quite a lot of snack then.. hahaha.. the highlight of the days were going out for dinner before coming back to study.. kekeke..
Year 3! Tribute!!! to my boyfriend Zhao Shijie.. hehehe.. we mostly studied at his place... we always ate supper... eat late night porridge nearby his house, or we would walk to mustafa (it opens 24hrs!) to buy snack.. hahaha.. but everything went well.. We both graduate with a reasonable result ^^
There goes my study journey!! fun filled days of my life! Gracias! Wishing all the best for all of you! I have now started the "Journey of A Working Adult" I hope in a few years time, i will be able to write tributes to great colleagues and hopefully bosses and subordinates.. hahaha...
Monday, January 16, 2006
Manga and me.. Part 1 - Candy candy and Mary-chan
We have long history.. Dated back to when I was six or seven years old..
I am now 24 years old (should I be happy or wat??? -_-") and am still addicted to manga.. The worst thing is I cannot remember what I learn in school last year, but I can totally remember the story of "Candy-candy" that I read 17 years ago! OMG! that's such a long time ago..
A re-cap: candy grow up in orphanage with anne.. anne was adopted by rich family.. nobody wants candy coz she is very unlady-like.. then blah blah blah.. she met anthony, stear and archie.. they have great times together.. I really like their three gates.. hehehe.. then anthony and her were in love with each other, unfortunately... *sob sob* anthony died in a hunting accident.. that was volume two.. I was utterly dismayed by then... T.T then she was adopted by this William guy which later turn out to be the same person with albert.
It was a long story.. but the most memorable incidents that is etched in my memory are:
1. Candy met young Albert near the orphanage
2. Candy met the Anthony that look totally like young Albert (I think Albert is anthony's uncle or something like that)
3. Anthony died *CRY BIGTIME*
4. They go to the school
5. Anne pretend she didn't know candy
6. Candy meet Terry
7. war time - Stear died *sob sob* I remember the time when he gave candy the musical box.. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............
8. Suzanna appear - broke up with Terry gahhh...
9. Candy taking care of Albert
10. One idiotic cousin of Anthony (forgot his and his sister's name -_-") trying to force candy into marrying him.
11. Albert appear as the hero...
12. Candy remember that she saw Albert when she was six years old... (Event no.1)
Tadaaa... it all came to full circle.... It kind of ends just like that.. but i honestly hope that things work out between them.. (I start to sounds like a lunatic) I know that they do not even exist in the first place.. but come on.. They are my best friends.. Those events were very real in my memory...
When the mangaka draw a full page for one event, with the flowers and the sun rays shining in the background with every little details taken care of, I will totally get absorbed in it... I do feel like am a little insane at times..
when i was little, I can draw those ballet's manga pas de deux perfectly with the face of the balerina tilted proudly and the knee length socks and sometimes the beautiful leotard... BUT.. I have lost those drawings! darn....
those ballet manga was one of my favourites... remember the mary-chan series?? yah those are the ones.. hehehe... mary and the akiras and satorus.... huehuehuehuhe... I think the mangaka totally love the name satoru and akira =p
I can no longer remember the names of so many of the mary chan series but if u guys remember, there is this story on the ballet they have to perform; Hagoromo... woah... It's so beautiful... Then there are other performance like swan lake..
Hmm.. come to think of it, I have learn a lot of things from manga...
Anyway, here is the link to an anime ranking made in Japan.. Candy candy (manga from the 70s) was ranked in the 21st out of 100 in the year 2005!
Isn't it fantastic?? hehehe...
Anyway, here is a list of memorable manga and anime that was with me in my extremely early age:
- Candy candy
- unending series of Mary chan
- Min min
- Panic
- Dragon ball
- Doraemon
- Pank Ponk
- Seven Magic Flower
- Pansy (an all time favourite ^^)
- Kung Fu Boy
- Saint Saiya (I can only remember Anthena and Saiya and one more long hair slightly green aura terribly handsome and mature guy -> forget his name -_-")
I'll continue on other manga on another day!
I am now 24 years old (should I be happy or wat??? -_-") and am still addicted to manga.. The worst thing is I cannot remember what I learn in school last year, but I can totally remember the story of "Candy-candy" that I read 17 years ago! OMG! that's such a long time ago..
A re-cap: candy grow up in orphanage with anne.. anne was adopted by rich family.. nobody wants candy coz she is very unlady-like.. then blah blah blah.. she met anthony, stear and archie.. they have great times together.. I really like their three gates.. hehehe.. then anthony and her were in love with each other, unfortunately... *sob sob* anthony died in a hunting accident.. that was volume two.. I was utterly dismayed by then... T.T then she was adopted by this William guy which later turn out to be the same person with albert.
It was a long story.. but the most memorable incidents that is etched in my memory are:
1. Candy met young Albert near the orphanage
2. Candy met the Anthony that look totally like young Albert (I think Albert is anthony's uncle or something like that)
3. Anthony died *CRY BIGTIME*
4. They go to the school
5. Anne pretend she didn't know candy
6. Candy meet Terry
7. war time - Stear died *sob sob* I remember the time when he gave candy the musical box.. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............
8. Suzanna appear - broke up with Terry gahhh...
9. Candy taking care of Albert
10. One idiotic cousin of Anthony (forgot his and his sister's name -_-") trying to force candy into marrying him.
11. Albert appear as the hero...
12. Candy remember that she saw Albert when she was six years old... (Event no.1)
Tadaaa... it all came to full circle.... It kind of ends just like that.. but i honestly hope that things work out between them.. (I start to sounds like a lunatic) I know that they do not even exist in the first place.. but come on.. They are my best friends.. Those events were very real in my memory...
When the mangaka draw a full page for one event, with the flowers and the sun rays shining in the background with every little details taken care of, I will totally get absorbed in it... I do feel like am a little insane at times..
when i was little, I can draw those ballet's manga pas de deux perfectly with the face of the balerina tilted proudly and the knee length socks and sometimes the beautiful leotard... BUT.. I have lost those drawings! darn....
those ballet manga was one of my favourites... remember the mary-chan series?? yah those are the ones.. hehehe... mary and the akiras and satorus.... huehuehuehuhe... I think the mangaka totally love the name satoru and akira =p
I can no longer remember the names of so many of the mary chan series but if u guys remember, there is this story on the ballet they have to perform; Hagoromo... woah... It's so beautiful... Then there are other performance like swan lake..
Hmm.. come to think of it, I have learn a lot of things from manga...
Anyway, here is the link to an anime ranking made in Japan.. Candy candy (manga from the 70s) was ranked in the 21st out of 100 in the year 2005!
Isn't it fantastic?? hehehe...
Anyway, here is a list of memorable manga and anime that was with me in my extremely early age:
- Candy candy
- unending series of Mary chan
- Min min
- Panic
- Dragon ball
- Doraemon
- Pank Ponk
- Seven Magic Flower
- Pansy (an all time favourite ^^)
- Kung Fu Boy
- Saint Saiya (I can only remember Anthena and Saiya and one more long hair slightly green aura terribly handsome and mature guy -> forget his name -_-")
I'll continue on other manga on another day!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Am back!
Hi ppl...
This is Susan reporting live from RA. The weather is looking good, my mood is way better today... I gotta be like chicken little "Today is a new day!"
My office is quiet, the boss is outstationed to India ("have fun there!" *wave*) for a week. I just drank a cup of milk tea (man, I can only drink a cup every week... trying to lose weight here... *frown* ppl said i look chubby...).
There is advertisement on the school in the newspaper today, that means there will be ppl calling to enquire about courses--> sales!! I am trying to pick up call faster than anybody else.. Therefor, I must not do things that take too much of my concentration... thus, am here, writing this =p
I feel nauseous.. coz am lactose intolerant n i just drank a cup of milk tea, like i mentioned above. I also dun have enough sleep.. i dunno wat am stressed about, but lately i found myself lying awake on my bed often. I used to sleep like a log within 2 min hitting the mattress, n never wake up without the sound of the alarm hitting my ear drums (even if i accidentaly awaken from sleep, i'll get back to sleep in 30sec)... now i lay awake and accidentaly awaken n cant get back to sleep!!! I woke at 6.30am this morning!! am going crazy! man.. something is really wrong with me... very soon if u guys hear me complaining that am not eating well, please give me a call n advice me to see phsychiatrist! or rather, wait till i look less chubby then start advising me.. hhauhauhau... jk lah.. nothing serious.. just cant sleep.. i love making a mountain out of a mole hill.. do u think i can start writing a book? nah...
my accountant just came down... he had a two days leave n just come back today.. maybe he will be going home at 11pm tonight... fufufufu...--> evil laughter.. so sad ah.. ppl go on leave n gotta come back n work twice or thrice harder.. he looked stressed.. my heart goes out to him... (n am still here typing away n not offering any help.. --> wat do u wan me to do? i know nuts about accounts!)I like to count my own moeny though... heuhehuehue.. even though am not that good restraining myself spending them.. yesterday I wnt to body shop.. I wanted to use my voucher.. in the end I didn't use them and stat buying 4 in one lip gloss n they gave me a bottle of lip gloss n an eye shadow. I took the blue one, I run out of the blue one for quite sometime.. I miss my creamy ones though, cant find it in the market now =(...
btw, good news ladies! Mango SALE start tommorow! good thing is I start work at 12 tommorow.. am going to mango first befor work.. pray for me that I wont spend to much... but i think its ok, I can just buy n keep for chinese new year, and also one of my friend is getting married next week.. so i will see if there is anything suitable..
do u feel tired reading my rants? hmm... maybe no one will be reading this.. if anyone do, they must be damn bored!! so let me entertain u some more-->if u r sick of my ranting already, move ur mouse to the top right hand corner, u see a red cross? click on it. bye...
if u r still reading... I got nothing else to write.. heuheuhu... k lah, let me see... hmm... ermmm... oh yah.. I just update my photos in frienster, actually those photos are quite old, but am loving them, so i thought i'll share them with u guys.. especially the one where the really small n cute me riding the pony.. hehehe.. actually i have no memory of that period, but i only know that am scared of horse... there is this one time that i actually ride on a horse to take photo, I was shaking in fear but i bravely smile... the photo turn out ugly... man.. i hate that horse...
my mom said my fear of horse start when i was really young.. our family was riding on a carriage dragged by two horse, it was on chinese new year. One of the horse suddenly go weak on the knee n start buckled down on the street.. I freaked out n cry... The chinese believe that on new year you gotta wear new set of clothing for good luck.. it turn out that one of my uncle riding in the same carriage wore an old underwear -_-" that was believed as the cause for the horse to go weak on the knee LOL!
That is the same uncle that ate my rabbit pets!!!!! I have 2 fat rabbit pets.. I went to singapore to study, telling my mom to take care of them... when i am back for holiday, I happily go to the garden to look for them.. THEY ARE GONE!!! I ask my mom where are they??? she look at me with shifty eyes... I knew something must be wrong... I cried n demand an explanation.. she finally confess that my uncle kidnapped them to make them into rabbit satay.. I have always think of him as barbarian up to today... *sniff* i miss my rabbits... The question is "did my family took part in that barbaric act??" I mean, it is impossible for my uncle to sneak into my house n to the garden n quietly sneak out of the house with two rabbit in his hand.. somebody must be conspiring with him... *shut my eyes tight* no!! I shall not believe any of my family member is involved in this barbaric act!! let me just believe that he did sneak in n out of my house.. *in a state of denial*
hmm... i have bring back bad memories.. ok now.. I have spend a long time on the journal.. i need to pack up n go for lunch.. hahaha.. i love my job...
see ya ppl... have fun... i know that some of u must also be reading this during office hour! hahaha.. am not telling ur boss... anyway... coz i dun noe who r u.. hueueuehuehuhe...
ps. dun ever eat rabbit! it could be my rabbit pets' extended family member...
This is Susan reporting live from RA. The weather is looking good, my mood is way better today... I gotta be like chicken little "Today is a new day!"
My office is quiet, the boss is outstationed to India ("have fun there!" *wave*) for a week. I just drank a cup of milk tea (man, I can only drink a cup every week... trying to lose weight here... *frown* ppl said i look chubby...).
There is advertisement on the school in the newspaper today, that means there will be ppl calling to enquire about courses--> sales!! I am trying to pick up call faster than anybody else.. Therefor, I must not do things that take too much of my concentration... thus, am here, writing this =p
I feel nauseous.. coz am lactose intolerant n i just drank a cup of milk tea, like i mentioned above. I also dun have enough sleep.. i dunno wat am stressed about, but lately i found myself lying awake on my bed often. I used to sleep like a log within 2 min hitting the mattress, n never wake up without the sound of the alarm hitting my ear drums (even if i accidentaly awaken from sleep, i'll get back to sleep in 30sec)... now i lay awake and accidentaly awaken n cant get back to sleep!!! I woke at 6.30am this morning!! am going crazy! man.. something is really wrong with me... very soon if u guys hear me complaining that am not eating well, please give me a call n advice me to see phsychiatrist! or rather, wait till i look less chubby then start advising me.. hhauhauhau... jk lah.. nothing serious.. just cant sleep.. i love making a mountain out of a mole hill.. do u think i can start writing a book? nah...
my accountant just came down... he had a two days leave n just come back today.. maybe he will be going home at 11pm tonight... fufufufu...--> evil laughter.. so sad ah.. ppl go on leave n gotta come back n work twice or thrice harder.. he looked stressed.. my heart goes out to him... (n am still here typing away n not offering any help.. --> wat do u wan me to do? i know nuts about accounts!)I like to count my own moeny though... heuhehuehue.. even though am not that good restraining myself spending them.. yesterday I wnt to body shop.. I wanted to use my voucher.. in the end I didn't use them and stat buying 4 in one lip gloss n they gave me a bottle of lip gloss n an eye shadow. I took the blue one, I run out of the blue one for quite sometime.. I miss my creamy ones though, cant find it in the market now =(...
btw, good news ladies! Mango SALE start tommorow! good thing is I start work at 12 tommorow.. am going to mango first befor work.. pray for me that I wont spend to much... but i think its ok, I can just buy n keep for chinese new year, and also one of my friend is getting married next week.. so i will see if there is anything suitable..
do u feel tired reading my rants? hmm... maybe no one will be reading this.. if anyone do, they must be damn bored!! so let me entertain u some more-->if u r sick of my ranting already, move ur mouse to the top right hand corner, u see a red cross? click on it. bye...
if u r still reading... I got nothing else to write.. heuheuhu... k lah, let me see... hmm... ermmm... oh yah.. I just update my photos in frienster, actually those photos are quite old, but am loving them, so i thought i'll share them with u guys.. especially the one where the really small n cute me riding the pony.. hehehe.. actually i have no memory of that period, but i only know that am scared of horse... there is this one time that i actually ride on a horse to take photo, I was shaking in fear but i bravely smile... the photo turn out ugly... man.. i hate that horse...
my mom said my fear of horse start when i was really young.. our family was riding on a carriage dragged by two horse, it was on chinese new year. One of the horse suddenly go weak on the knee n start buckled down on the street.. I freaked out n cry... The chinese believe that on new year you gotta wear new set of clothing for good luck.. it turn out that one of my uncle riding in the same carriage wore an old underwear -_-" that was believed as the cause for the horse to go weak on the knee LOL!
That is the same uncle that ate my rabbit pets!!!!! I have 2 fat rabbit pets.. I went to singapore to study, telling my mom to take care of them... when i am back for holiday, I happily go to the garden to look for them.. THEY ARE GONE!!! I ask my mom where are they??? she look at me with shifty eyes... I knew something must be wrong... I cried n demand an explanation.. she finally confess that my uncle kidnapped them to make them into rabbit satay.. I have always think of him as barbarian up to today... *sniff* i miss my rabbits... The question is "did my family took part in that barbaric act??" I mean, it is impossible for my uncle to sneak into my house n to the garden n quietly sneak out of the house with two rabbit in his hand.. somebody must be conspiring with him... *shut my eyes tight* no!! I shall not believe any of my family member is involved in this barbaric act!! let me just believe that he did sneak in n out of my house.. *in a state of denial*
hmm... i have bring back bad memories.. ok now.. I have spend a long time on the journal.. i need to pack up n go for lunch.. hahaha.. i love my job...
see ya ppl... have fun... i know that some of u must also be reading this during office hour! hahaha.. am not telling ur boss... anyway... coz i dun noe who r u.. hueueuehuehuhe...
ps. dun ever eat rabbit! it could be my rabbit pets' extended family member...
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